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בראַידעד לאַניאַרד Flat נאָאָדלע סילק געדרוקט וסב דאַטאַ קאַבלע פֿאַר האַנדל Show אָדער נדבות

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1.High speed USB2.0, charge and data is available.
2.Lightweight,compact Design,פּאָרטאַטיוו.
3.Compatible with devices which has the micro usb connector.
4.Sync your device with your PC to transfer music,videos and files.
5.Lay flat design helps avoid tangled cords and helps to save space.

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Mail to ChinaTopCable

Telephone:+86 755 25608673

Address:Floor 8,huguang building,לאָנגגאַנג וועג, Shenzhen China