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鍍金金屬外殼合金汽車輔助身歷聲 3.5mm 音訊延長電纜男到女

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*Side 1: 3.5mm Stereo Male Gold Plated Shell
*Side 2: 3.5mm Stereo Female Gold Plated
*電纜: Double Shielded
*電纜長度:1.8 米, Approximately 6ft

*DURABLE DESIGN: 內鍍錫銅線+ 編織遮罩 + PE FOAM durable material to

make this cable durable enough to work with heavy device even with any abrupt pull

*Beveled step-down design accommodates most mobile devices in a case with a

snug and secure connection

*COMPATIBLE WITH: iPod, Iphone, iPad, Kindle Fire 平板電腦, 三星銀河智慧手機和平板電腦,

谷歌Nexus智慧手機和平板電腦, 微軟表面平板電腦, 諾基亞 Lumia 智能手機,

閃迪 Sansa MP3 播放機


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電話:+86 755 25608673

位址:Floor 8,huguang building,龍崗路, Shenzhen China