OBD2 Car Memory Saver 2 en 1, Vehicle ECU Emergency Power Supply Cable with Alligator Clip-On 12V Car Battery Cigarette Lighter Power Extension Socket

OBD2 Car Memory Saver 2 en 1, Vehicle ECU Emergency Power Supply Cable with Alligator Clip-On 12V Car Battery Cigarette Lighter Power Extension Socket


Design for change your car battery, also by get the alternative 12V power source from another car, when you not have a jump starter on hand.Reverse-connection protection . If power input with incorrect polarity, the electric power will not be connected to your car .
8A fuse built into the memory saver, better reliable on overload protection. Powered by any jump starter with a 12V outlet into an OBD II Memory Saver.
Most latest car need this cable when change the battery.Because when you remove the old battery ,if power is lost to the computer, the settings are lost and have to reset to default.
Using this simple memory saving device when replacing your car battery will help you avoid these problems. This device can work with any 12V DC power source, including jump starter, DC 12V Lead-acid battery, or another car’s DC 12V power outlet.
The OBD2 to Cigarette Lighter is 3m lenght , very easy to use. Just insert the Cigarette lighter plug to another car and insert into 16 pin plug to the OBD port of the car you want to replace battery.

SKU: CTC6845-5 Categoria:
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1.Powered by any jump starter with a 12V outlet into an OBD II Memory Saver.
2.Interface connector between a 12V DC power source and vehicle’s OBD II port.
3.Preserves vehicle codes and electronic presets.
4.Using this simple memory saving device when replacing your car battery will help you avoid these problems.
5.This device can work with any 12V DC power source, including jump starter, DC 12V Lead-acid battery, or another car’s DC 12V power outlet.

The 12V DC plug of memory should be correctly connected 12V power source, if not, the red led light on the plug will not light up.
If the power source from another car, please check whether the car’s Cigarette Lighter on good condition or not.
If the power source from a jump starter, then verify if the cause is from the contact.
If the power source is from an alternative 12V Lead-acid battery, then check whether the polarity correct or not.

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