Għall-FIAT ECU Scan Adaptors OBD Cable dijanjostiċi erba kuluri


Għall-FIAT ECU Scan Adaptors OBD Cable dijanjostiċi erba kuluri


Green Adaptor Lead (MultiECUScan / FiatEcuScan Adaptor 1) = Engine, ABS, Power Steering
Red Adaptor Lead (MultiECUScan / FiatEcuScan Adaptor 2) = Airbag
Yellow Adaptor Lead (MultiECUScan / FiatEcuScan Adaptor 3) = CAN
Purple Adaptor Lead (MultiECUScan / FiatEcuScan Adaptor 4) = Electric Hood

SKU: CTC7827 Il-kategorija: It-tag:
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These are special break-out adaptor cables specifically designed for use with the MultiECUScan software package, to offer additional systems coverage (Airbag, ABS and Power Steering systems) on vehicles where communications are required through differentpins on the diagnostic connector.

See the Supported Vehicles list on the MultiECUScan website for coverage details.

Using these adaptor cables removes the need to modify your own interface cables with soldered connections that may prevent them from being used with other vehicles.

What is included in the package?

•’Greenadaptor lead (MultiECUScan ‘Adapter 1′) – to allow ABS and Power Steering diagnostics.

This lead has a green connector on one end for easy identification.

– pin 7 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pins 1, 7, 9 & 12 on the car end of the adaptor.

•’Redadaptor lead (MultiECUScan ‘Adapter 2′) to allow Airbag diagnostics.

This lead has a red connector on one end for easy identification.

– pin 7 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pin 3 only on the car end of the adaptor.

•’Yellowadaptor lead (MultiECUScan ‘Adapter 3′) – to allow low speed CAN diagnostics (Fiat 500 eċċ).

This lead has a yellow connector on one end for easy identification.

– pin 6 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pin 1 on the car end of the adaptor.

– pin 14 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pin 9 on the car end of the adaptor.

– pin 7 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pin 12 on the car end of the adaptor.

** This cable meets the updated MultiECUScan specification for adaptor 3, with the pin 12 connection required for Xenon headlight coverage on CAN cars **

•’Purpleadaptor lead (MultiECUScan ‘Adapter 4’) to allow electric hood diagnostics.

This lead has a purple connector on one end for easy identification.

– pin 7 on the diagnostic tool end of the adaptor is electrically connected to pins 7, 8, 11 & 13 on the car end of the adaptor.

• Please note this bundle does NOT include any diagnostic interface cablesthis is just the break-out adaptors.

If you require the ELM327 and KKL interfaces too, they are available with these adaptor cables in a hardware-only bundle here, or a full licensed bundle here.

What do I need to use these adaptors?

MultiECUScan software (free or licensed version)

ELM327 v1.3 (or higher) and/or KKL (VAG-COM) cable

A laptop or PC running Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 with a USB port

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP1 (v3.5 required for Windows 8). Free to download from www.microsoft.com if not already installed on your computer

– 1.5GHz CPU or higher

IMPORTANT NOTE: These adaptor cables are only intended for use with the MultiECUScan software, on supported Fiat group vehicles, as listed on the MultiECUScan.net Supported Vehicles List.

Use on other vehicles or with other software is not supported and may cause damage to your vehicle or equipment.

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    1. Kaxxa tal-LOGO/kulur/pakkett jista jkun personalizzat
    2. Aħna jistgħu jiftħu tiegħek stess moffa jekk għandek bżonn.
    3. Fuq 9 snin ta ' esperjenza professjonali f ' disinn u produzzjoni ta ' kejbils .
    4. Kull mistoqsija tiegħek se jiġu mwieġba fi żmien 24 siegħa.
    5. Prezz tal-fabbrika kompetittiva
    6. Għandna ta ' tim bejgħ professjonali qawwija u b ' saħħithom R&D kapaċità.
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    8. FCC mgħoddija,CE,ROHS,EPL,BQB ċertifikati. Kwalità affidabbli.
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