Bluetooth Mini Box Standar Blue OBD2 OBD-II diagnostik Interface ELM327 Otomatis adaptor scanner Standar


Bluetooth Mini Box Standar Blue OBD2 OBD-II diagnostik Interface ELM327 Otomatis adaptor scanner Standar


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  • ELM327 alat scan, ngarojong paling protokol OBD-II.
  • Gawekeun lolobana OBD-II kandaraan patuh
  • Ngarojong rupa béda alat ngagunakeun alat scan ieu: telepon Sistim Android, Windows jsb.

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item ieu teu dianggo dina ios. Lamun perlu hiji item nu gawéna dina ios, punten meser OBDII WiFi kami.
sandi proyék Bluetooth: 1234
adaptor nu teu ngarojong sagala protokol. Mangga pariksa protokol model mobil Anjeun saencan Anjeun nyieun urutan. Simkuring teu nampa sengketa disababkeun ku masalah protokol.
tegangan operasi: 12V, perlindungan internal tina pondok sirkuit / overvoltages
ayeuna dianggurkeun nominal: 45ma
item Ukuran: 4.7 * 3.2 * 2.3cm
item Beurat: 22g
pakét Beurat: 53g

Rojongan OBDII Protokol-protokol:
ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud)
ISO 14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud)
ISO 14230-4 KWP (init gancang, 10.4 kbaud)
ISO 15765-4 bisa (11 bit ID, 500 kbaud)
ISO 15765-4 bisa (29 bit ID, 500 kbaud)
ISO 15765-4 bisa (11 bit ID, 250 kbaud)
ISO 15765-4 bisa (29 bit ID, 250 kbaud)

1. Nembongkeun data sensor ayeuna, kaasup: engine rpm, Diitung beban Niley, coolant Suhu, Status System suluh, Speed ​​wahana, Istilah pondok motong Suluh, Istilah lila motong Suluh, Asupan tekenan Manifold, timing sateuacanna, Suhu Air asupan, Hawa Aliran Rate, Absolut throttle Posisi, sensor oksigén tegangan / pakait trims suluh istilah pondok, Status System suluh, Suluh tekenan jsb.
2. Konci gangguan jelas tur mareuman Mil (“Cék Engine” cahaya)
3. telepon cocog: smartphone Android
4. Software cocog: gampang OBD2, ScanMaster elm, wOBD Crazy na More
5. prosésor: ELM327
6. Baca Konci gangguan diagnostik, duanana generik sarta produsén-spésifik, sarta nembongkeun harti maranéhna (di luhur 3000 definisi kode generik dina database).
7. Dirojong Software cocog pikeun Windows, OSX, palem, Pocket-PC, Linux Ubuntu, Android, OF, sarta smartphone Windows
8. Ngarojong OBD2 Protokol-protokol (ISO15765-4 (bisa), ISO14230-4 (KWP2000), ISO9141-2)
9. Jalan make Android torsi (ngusulkeun)
10. Jalan kalawan Kandaraan keluhan OBD2

mere nyaho:

Produk ieu teu tiasa ngalereskeun mana wae gangguan tina mesin anjeun ku sorangan, eta ngan némbongkeun mesin anjeun status.It baca Konci gangguan diagnostik ,nembongkeun harti maranéhanana sarta nembongkeun data sensor ayeuna jsb.
Produk ieu kedah dianggo kalayan pihak katilu OBD-II software scanner ditangtoskeun kayaning DashCommand,OBD Otomatis Dokter jsb. , mangga install software ti CD kami(link) ,atawa anjeun tiasa milarian software ieu dina Play nu & toko aplikasi. Sababaraha fungsi canggih tina software aya meureun moal gratis.
Vérsi Bluetooth low(saencan 4.0) teu ngarojong ios, Anjeun kedah meser WiFi atawa Bluetooth 4.0 Vérsi pikeun alat ios.
Mangga parios manual mobil anjeun & rojongan daftar dihandap saméméh order.Please pastikeun anjeun terang naon OBD-II nyaéta na dimana éta saméméh urutan , anjeun kedah wawuh jeung mesin mobil data jeung software install dina jandéla atawa ponsel teuing,sejenna mangga discretely mésér.

OBD 2 Wireless Scanner for OBD2 cars and EOBD cars, e.g .:
Alfa Romeo / Audi / Bentley / BMW / mios / Chevrolet / Chrysler / Citroen / Daewoo / Fiat / Ford / GM / Honda / Hyundai / Isuzu / Jaguar / jip / kia / Land Rover / Lexus / Mazda / raksa / mini / Nissan / Mitsubishi / Opel / Peugeot / Porsche / Renault / Rover / saab / seat / Skoda / Toyota / Vauxhall / Volvo / VW / Skoda / Mazda

Free Enquiry for Bluetooth Mini Box Standard Blue OBD2 OBD-II Diagnostic Interface ELM327 Auto Scanner Adapter Standard

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    parusahaan urang geus specializing dina ngarancang jeung manufaktur sagala jinis rakitan sambungan kabel, kabel Annunciator, kabel DC, kabel USB, Audio jeung pidio kabel, kabel HDMI / VGA,cords kakuatan, adapters muatan, jsb.
    1. Nyadiakeun packing sambungan kabel luyu jeung sasuai ka nu Anjeun.
    2. Tim desain profésional sarta tim QC mastikeun rusuh urutan sambungan kabel OEM.
    3. kualitasna alus sarta harga jangji produk pangalusna nguntungkeun sarta hubungan panjang.
    4. 24-ladenan online jam jaminan reply timely ngeunaan wincik sambungan kabel vidéo RCA audio atawa garis kakuatan komputer.
    5.urang kudu ROHS & ngahontal minuhan.
    6.desain ngaropéa anu bisa ditarima, urutan leutik nu katampa .

    Sampel & pengiriman barang

    1. pamayaran:T / T,paypal,persatuan urang Barat
    2. Sampel bisa ditawarkeun lamun kedah.
    3. Shiping cara:gudang lokal,Expresss(DHL,Fedex,TNT,UPS,suweng), hawa,atawa laut.


    Urang nyaho nasabah anu pilari produk kalawan bungkusan pikaresepeun,ayeuna,Anjeun tiasa nyandak kauntungan pinuh ku jasa nyadiakeun kami:
    1. Premium Geser molotok nyaeta kalapa di harga tapi nyekel panon customer. desain customer anu sadia ku pamundut
    2. kotak kado paking nyieun produk Anjeun langkung lingkungan. desain customer anu sadia ku pamundut
    3. kantong poli jeung header kartu jeung nomer barkod nyaeta béaya rendah tapi alus pilari. desain customer anu sadia ku pamundut.
    4.packing bulk dina pp Kantong pikeun pamaké industri.


    1:Sadaya item gaduh 1 sataun guarantee.If pameseran Anjeun teu papanggih kualitas merchantable, kabugaran pikeun tujuan atawa cocog katerangan, bisa mastikeun isu Anjeun keur ngumbar .
    2.Item salah shipped, Mangga wartosan kami, kami bakal ngatur pikeun nganteurkeun item bener atawa balik kabeh mayar anjeun.
    3.Pikeun produk cacad atawa faulty,mangga ngahubungan kami munggaran,urang ngumbar isu Anjeun.

    Inpormasi Tambahan

    beurat 0.06 kg

    hideung, biru, bodas

    16 ulasan pikeun Bluetooth Mini Box Standar Blue OBD2 OBD-II diagnostik Interface ELM327 Otomatis adaptor scanner Standar

    1. 5 kaluar tina 5


      A very easy item to set up and use.I bought this and pro-version of Torque to make sure the fuel pump is running at the correct pressure. This was easy to install and easy to pair. Torque picked it up without issue. Very simple to track what I want. I’ve never had a CEL on my car but I used it on a friends and it found the code. Not sure if it works on all cars, but so far I have successfully used it to read and erase codes in a 2007 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and a 2013 Toyota Corolla.

    2. 5 kaluar tina 5

      H. Taylor

      Works perfectly with every device I have tried. And fast response, instant connections to my cars. It displays all of my car’s available data correctly in the Torque Pro app. A great alternative to the $100 dedicated units.

    3. 5 kaluar tina 5

      Hannah Kate

      I had trouble with my android based head unit talking to a bluetooth OBD-2 dongle so I figured I’d try the wireless. Works great.

    4. 5 kaluar tina 5

      Theresa Bell

      Works great, connects really quickly and paired with torque I can have live gauges to keep an eye on my AFR’s, Boost, IAT’s etc..

      Unlike other types, I like how this one has no issues connecting to my car (2014 A4)

    5. 5 kaluar tina 5

      D Gonzalez

      Bought this to use on my 2008 Jeep Liberty. It did exactly what I wanted it to do. Connects quickly. It’s nice to know what is going on when the check engine light comes on. Even better to reset the light whenever I feel like it. Works well with the Torque lite phone app.

    6. 4 kaluar tina 5

      Jose Escalera

      Use on my Chevy Truck. Free downloadable SW provides data in Dial format on my smartphone. I used it interpret OBD fault codes and to reset after fixing the problem.

    7. 5 kaluar tina 5

      Richard B

      Purchased this device for my Toyota vehicles, connects perfectly with torque app. You can monitor vehicle diagnostics and performance with your Android phone. Compact size allows me to leave it plugged in, and not kick it every time I get in the car.

    8. 5 kaluar tina 5

      Cecilia Arnold

      This is a nice little tool to diagnosis issues and clear my check engine light on my car. And it works perfectly with every device I have tried. Every sensor is available for real time monitoring and graphing.

    9. 5 kaluar tina 5


      It collects a LOT of information and the Smartphone application provides details that I didn’t know were available.

    10. 5 kaluar tina 5


      I haven’t tried out other OBD2 scanners, this is my first one. But I was pleasantly surprised! This one works well. I paid for the Torque app, and I was able to pull the Check Engine Light codes easily on any OBD compatible vehicle. I can even use an Android tablet as an oil pressure gauge and air flow meter or whatever meter which is relevant to a vehicle.

    11. 4 kaluar tina 5


      Though much of the data is over my head, the product worked flawlessly from the moment I plugged it inThe instructions for the supporting software packages could be more complete but watching a few you tube videos answered my questions.

    12. 5 kaluar tina 5

      R Cheetham

      Great gadget. Let’s you see what’s really going on i your car.

      Originally purchased for used car shopping, I now leave in my vehicle full time. Enjoy complete vehicle info!

    13. 5 kaluar tina 5


      I bought this OBDII interface to connect to my F-150 to check and reset the trouble codes and also to modify a few parameters that were set up by Ford. Normally, in order to change some of these parameters, you have to take it to the Ford dealer and pay about $100 for them to connect it to their computer.

    14. 5 kaluar tina 5

      Ian McNicholas​

      I bought this to troubleshoot my CEL on my car, and it links up with the Torque app via Bluetooth seamlessly, and lets you see lots of cool stuff, even while driving. Previously, I had to go to the local auto parts store to figure out how to clear the codes. Now I just leave this thing plugged into my car, and gets all kinds of cool data read-outs

    15. 4 kaluar tina 5

      Robbie Medford

      Used it for my 2001 Pathfinder. The unit pairs automatically to my Android phone and works great with the free version of Torque. Torque allows you to create pages of different style gauges to show data from the car. But it doesn’t turn off when you turn your car off so that you must unplug it when you don’t use it. That’s inconvenient.

    16. 5 kaluar tina 5


      I love these cheap little interfaces. I have them in all my cars. I use Torque Pro, but other apps work fine too.

      It is SO VERY NICE to be able to whip out your phone, check and clear a check engine light on the fly! Plus with Torque Pro, there
      are a LOT of other functions. VERY VERY cool, and SO worth the price.

    Tambahkeun review hiji

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